I am continuing our series on the different advice I get from men of God while on deputation. It is invaluable to be under the influence of these men even if only for a short period of time. The subject of this post is a bit different. I was in a church in South Florida. I had just met the Pastor. Church wouldn’t start for another 45 minutes. I walked outside with Pastor. He was talking to me about the service and about the way they handle their missions. He told me that if they partner with us that he and his staff would commit to pray for us weekly. Pastor goes up to the church every Saturday night and prays for every missionary by name. This is something he takes very seriously. In speaking about all this Pastor suddenly stopped and turned to me. He then said, “Pray for me. If we partner with you, I expect you to pray for me weekly as well. Pray for me, my wife, and the church that we will continue in serving the Lord…” Please don’t misunderstand, Pastor was not asking me to pray for a specific situation, but to pray for him, his wife, and the church on a continual basis.
Prayer is something that we should take very seriously. It is not just something we do in the morning, the evening, and before meals. We have the ability to speak with the Eternal God in the name of Jesus. We should pray for each other.
Jesus said in John 15:7, “If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.” Abiding in Jesus gives us power in prayer. We can go to God for each other. We should go to God in prayer for each other!
The Pastor didn’t tell me he took prayer seriously, he didn’t have to. He proved that he took prayer very seriously. “Pray for me.” is such a humble request. It is to recognize that you are incapable and that the Eternal God, our Heavenly Father, is willing and able to work in you and through you. Here is some advice, take prayer very seriously. Please pray for me often.
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