Celebrating the Second Anniversary of Hope Baptist Church
We enjoyed the time with the visitors we had in May, we were able to help survey the city of Córdoba, and take two of the three visiting groups around Buenos Aires. We also continued our discipleship efforts at Hope Baptist Church, and are continuing the semester at the Bible College. We are thankful for how the Lord continues to bless the ministry!
This month we will be celebrating the second anniversary at Hope Baptist Church, we have a special service planned, we will have a choir, a video to look back on the past two years, special testimonies, and an encouraging Bible message. We will have a special fellowship afterwards. We will also have a special Father’s Day service this month, this will be an excellent opportunity to invite family for those who are attending the church faithfully. Please pray for both of these special services. Faith Baptist Church will also have a special service for Father’s Day, Pastor Matías is doing a great job leading the church and is actively encouraging the church family to share their faith and to walk with the Lord daily.
Serving Together,
Patrick, Leslie, Lily, Piper, Ivy, and Isla Henry
Prayer Requests
- Pray for the second anniversary service of Hope Baptist Church.
- Pray for the Father’s Day services at Faith and Hope Baptist Churches.
- Pray for the Bible College students.
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