Why “Our Generation Camp”? There are all kinds of camps to go to, all kinds of camps to send your kids to, what makes this camp different? Let me answer this question by first stating that I have been to several different camps. Our church has put on our own camps for years. We have sent our youth and kids to other camps as well. I went to different sports camps as a child. What makes Our Generation Camp different is the emphasis. We are all about world evangelism. At Our Generation Camp, you will spend time with missionaries. They won’t just preach at you during a chapel or evening service. They will eat with you at the lunch/dinner table, talk with you during the day, spend time with you throughout the week! There will be missionaries from different parts of the world, China, India, Peru, South Africa, Kenya, Morocco, Argentina and other countries!
Our Generation Camp happens June 08-12, 2015. It is held at Sand Mountain Bible Camp in Trenton, GA. The cost is $200. Sign up today!
Whether you are thinking about being a missionary or not, this camp is a time that God will use in your life. To register, please click the link below.
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