I know it may sound strange, but Wednesday was the first day of Spring in Argentina (in the Southern Hemisphere, the seasons are reversed). It is a day that people celebrate throughout the country, winter is finally over and the flowers are beginning to bloom! To celebrate, the ladies ministry held a special Spring Bible Study at the home of one of the leaders. It was a blessing and encouragement to the ladies, they gathered together, prayed for specific prayer requests and one of them taught a Bible lesson. I am thankful to the Lord for special days like this! Thank you for praying for the ministry in Argentina.
Serving Together,
Patrick, Leslie, Lily, Piper, Ivy, and Isla Henry
Leslie and I are in California, we have meetings in Victorville, Sacramento, and San José. It is a blessing to be here and to enjoy this beautiful part of the country as we share what God has done and is doing in the ministry in Argentina!
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