We are the Henry family. We have been serving Jesus as missionaries in Argentina since 2016. My wife Leslie and I have four beautiful daughters who serve the Lord alongside us. We are planting churches and training men to advance the Gospel in Argentina and around the world. It is not always easy, but God has been with us every step of our journey! He is so good to us! This blog is designed to take you on the journey with us. We have posts ranging from quick updates, to unique cultural norms and mores, to thoughts on world evangelism, to our monthly prayer letters. Our blog is updated often, be sure to check back and go on this journey with us!
September 2024 Missions Letter
From the Family Festival to the Family Conference
We have been stateside for the past month and will be for the next two months. While we are here, the ministry in Argentina continues to progress. Last month both Faith and Hope Baptist Churches celebrated “Kid’s Day” with a special Family Festival. Both churches had visitors, people heard the Gospel clearly presented, some of them for the very first time, and members and faithful attendees of both churches came together to make these events a success! Please pray for those who were in attendance at these special festivals. At Hope, we had a young lady, Zaira, saved who was brought by her sister Morena, we also were able to begin discipleship with two other regular attendees. This is an important step because the two people I started discipling have started to disciple others! At Faith, Gabriel, a man who was saved in prison was recently released and has started attending. He led one of our faithful members to Christ while they both were in prison together. Gabriel moved from the other side of the city to be able to be a part of a local church with sound doctrine. He is excited to be able to attend church for the first time, begin discipleship and serve.
This month Faith will have their annual Family Conference. Please pray for this conference and Pastor Matías has he continues to guide the church. Brian is also doing a great job leading Hope, please continue to pray for both of these ministries!
Serving Together,
Patrick, Leslie, Lily, Piper, Ivy, and Isla Henry
Prayer Requests
- Pray for Matías y Brian as they guide the churches.
- Pray for those recently saved.
- Pray for the discipleship ministries.
August 2024 Missions Letter
Kid’s Day and Family Festivals
We arrived back in the States in late July, and we will be here for the next three months, but in our absence, the ministry continues to move forward…
This month has a special day, Kid’s Day (it is an actual celebrated day like Father’s Day and Mother’s Day). Each church has something special planned for this special day, on the Saturday before Kid’s Day, Hope Baptist Church will have a Family Festival with inflatables, games, and a special Gospel presentation, and on Sunday they will have a special morning service for the kids. At Faith Baptist Church, Sunday will start with a special service and in the afternoon they have their special Family Festival, which will also have different games, inflatables, and Gospel presentation. Both churches are hard at work, Pastor Matías is leading Faith Baptist Church and Brian is working with Hope Baptist Church, both men are prepared and I am excited to see how the Lord uses each of them and each church as they advance the Gospel!
We will be taking Lily, our oldest daughter, to college later this month. Please pray for Faith and Hope Baptist Churches, Pastor Matías and Brian as they lead the churches, and for our family with this new chapter. God is so good to us!
Serving Together,
Patrick, Leslie, Lily, Piper, Ivy, and Isla Henry
Prayer Requests
- Pray for the Kid’s Day at Faith and Hope Baptist Churches.
- Pray for Pastor Matías and Brian as they lead the churches.
- Pray for our family as we drop off Lily to begin college.
July 2024 Prayer Letter
Developing Leaders and Family Changes
Hope Baptist Church celebrated their second anniversary last month and we had a tremendous day with record attendance! It was great to see how the Lord is blessing in this new church plant and we are thankful to have a part in it!
Faith Baptist Church will have their annual missions conference this month and I will have the privilege to preach one of the services! They will have a church planter in La Plata (a city one hour away from Lanús) who will be preaching as well. Pray with us for the missions conference.
We are blessed to have four daughters, our oldest daughter, Lily, recently graduated high school, and we will be returning to the States to take her to college. Lily loves Jesus, loves life, and is a very wise young woman, please pray for her (and for us) in this new stage of life. We will be in the States for three months, Pastor Matías will continue to lead Faith Baptist Church and Brian will be guiding the ministry at Hope Baptist Church in our absence. We have been preparing these men for this time, and I believe that they will serve the Lord faithfully in this capacity. Please pray for Lily, our family, and the ministry over the next few months.
Serving Together,
Patrick, Leslie, Lily, Piper, Ivy, and Isla Henry
Prayer Requests
- Pray for the ministry during our short time in the States.
- Pray for Lily as she begins this new stage of life.
- Pray for Matías and Brian as they lead the churches.
June 2024 Missions Letter
Celebrating the Second Anniversary of Hope Baptist Church
We enjoyed the time with the visitors we had in May, we were able to help survey the city of Córdoba, and take two of the three visiting groups around Buenos Aires. We also continued our discipleship efforts at Hope Baptist Church, and are continuing the semester at the Bible College. We are thankful for how the Lord continues to bless the ministry!
This month we will be celebrating the second anniversary at Hope Baptist Church, we have a special service planned, we will have a choir, a video to look back on the past two years, special testimonies, and an encouraging Bible message. We will have a special fellowship afterwards. We will also have a special Father’s Day service this month, this will be an excellent opportunity to invite family for those who are attending the church faithfully. Please pray for both of these special services. Faith Baptist Church will also have a special service for Father’s Day, Pastor Matías is doing a great job leading the church and is actively encouraging the church family to share their faith and to walk with the Lord daily.
Serving Together,
Patrick, Leslie, Lily, Piper, Ivy, and Isla Henry
Prayer Requests
- Pray for the second anniversary service of Hope Baptist Church.
- Pray for the Father’s Day services at Faith and Hope Baptist Churches.
- Pray for the Bible College students.
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