It is amazing to me to think how people want God’s blessings, but not at any cost. A demon-possessed man, who spent his time around the tombs, came out to meet Jesus. After talking to the man (or the demons), Jesus cast out the demons. The demons were sent into the pigs, who ran off a cliff. This is a miracle. The people of that area should have been happy to see this, right? No.
“And they began to pray him to depart out of their coasts.” (Mark 5:17). Instead of expressing gratitude or worship to Jesus, the town’s people ask Him to leave. The cost of their pigs was too great (I will remind you that pigs were considered unclean animals under the old covenant). Their relief of the demon-possessed man being healed was overshadowed by their dissatisfaction of the loss of their pigs. They were more concerned for their pigs than a man.
The grave mistake here is that people failed follow Jesus because it costs too much. Those who reject Christ on these grounds fail to realize how much it will truly cost them.
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