We are the Henry family. We have been serving Jesus as missionaries in Argentina since 2016. My wife Leslie and I have four beautiful daughters who serve the Lord alongside us. We are planting churches and training men to advance the Gospel in Argentina and around the world. It is not always easy, but God has been with us every step of our journey! He is so good to us! This blog is designed to take you on the journey with us. We have posts ranging from quick updates, to unique cultural norms and mores, to thoughts on world evangelism, to our monthly prayer letters. Our blog is updated often, be sure to check back and go on this journey with us!
January 2025 Missions Letter
The Vision and Summer Camp
Both Faith and Hope Baptist Churches were blessed by the Lord in 2024, we saw people saved, baptized, and one-on-one discipleship relationships started. We had great events in both churches and we are anticipating great things from the Lord in 2025!
Pastor Matías is leading Faith Baptist Church and he and the ministry directors have planned out the year. At Hope Baptist Church, we are kicking off the year with our annual Vision Service, when we share the theme for the year, “Daily Walking with God”. This service is one of the highlights of the year and we are praying that the Lord will use it! At the end of this month we will have our annual summer camp. Both churches will be participating in our camp, this is a chance to get away from all the other things going on in life and focus in on our faith. We have great things planned for 2025, including the ordination of Pastor Matías, hosting pastor fellowships as well as a special marriage conference with other churches, and continuing the ministries of evangelism and discipleship. We will also continue our Bible College ministry and are adding more classes! Thank you for praying for the ministry God has given us!
Serving Together,
Patrick, Leslie, Lily, Piper, Ivy, and Isla Henry
Prayer Requests
- Pray for the Vision Service.
- Pray for our Summer Camp.
- Pray for Faith and Hope Baptist Churches.
- Pray for the evangelism and discipleship ministries.
December 2024 Missions Letter
Finishing the Year Right!
We arrived back in Argentina last month, and we jumped back into the ministry immediately. It was encouraging to see the growth in both churches during our absence. We held the first ever Pastor/Leader Fellowship at Faith Baptist Church and it was a big success! We plan to have our next fellowship in February in a new church plant in La Plata. We are praying for these pastors and leaders as God uses them to guide the churches under their stewardship.
This month we are focussing on finishing the year right, with a number of events going on this month. We will be completing the semester of the Bible College (we are already planning for next semester!). We will have a planning meeting for Hope Baptist Church with a few leaders, we will be going over next year’s themes, goals, and we will plan out the events for the year! Pastor Matías will be doing the same for Faith Baptist Church with the leadership there! We will also have our Christmas service on December 22, this has always been a great opportunity to invite others to the church and we are praying for the Lord to use it! We also have the final service of the year, on December 29, we will celebrate the year’s end with our “Empanada Night”, it will be a special fellowship that we all look forward to. As always, there is a lot going on, thank you for your faithful prayers and support!
Serving Together,
Patrick, Leslie, Lily, Piper, Ivy, and Isla Henry
Prayer Requests
- Pray for the Bible College students as they complete another semester.
- Pray for our Christmas services.
- Pray for our 2025 planning meetings.
- Pray for both churches to end the year right!
November 2024 Missions Letter
Back in Argentina
We return to Argentina this month, it has been great to be in the United States, in our home church and in a few of the churches that support us. Although we are returning to Argentina without our oldest daughter Lily (who is now in college), we are looking forward to returning to the ministry God has given us! While we were in the States, the ministry in Argentina continued under the leadership of Matías and Brian, who led the churches under our stewardship. They have seen people saved, an increase in attendance, and new believers begin our discipleship program! It is encouraging to see how the Lord is working through these men and in both churches!
This month we will have our first “Pastors Fellowship”, this will include the men who are training to be pastors, the men who pastored in our absence, and a few other pastors of churches in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires. We are excited about this meeting and are praying the Lord use it to encourage each pastor and that it creates a strong bond between us. This first meeting will be held at Faith Baptist Church! We will also be starting new Bible classes at Hope Baptist Church, and we are excited to see how the Lord uses them! Thank you for your faithful prayers and support, we are truly serving together to advance the Gospel!
Serving Together,
Patrick, Leslie, Lily, Piper, Ivy, and Isla Henry
Prayer Requests
- Pray for the Pastor’s fellowship.
- Pray for the new Bible Classes at Hope Baptist Church.
- Pray for the evangelistic and discipleship programs at both churches.
- Pray for the men training for the ministry.
October 2024 Monthly Missions Letter
Mother’s Day in October
We have enjoyed the short time we have had in the States, we dropped off our oldest daughter at college, we have been able to spend time with family and friends, we have been able to be a part of our home church, and we have even been able to be in a few of our supporting churches! The ministry in Argentina is growing in our absence. We will be returning to Argentina at the beginning of next month, and we look forward to jumping right back into the ministry!
Faith Baptist Church had their annual family conference. Pastor Matías preached the conference, this is a big event in the church, and is concluded with “Family Photo Day”, where each family will have a professional style photo taken to commemorate the day! At Hope Baptist Church, it is exciting to hear how the church is growing in our absence! Brian has done a great job leading the church and we are grateful for how the Lord is using him! Recently, one of the young men who has attended the church almost since the beginning, was recently saved! We are rejoicing with them!
This month we will celebrate Mother’s Day, this is a great opportunity to share the Gospel with family and friends who normally don’t attend church, please pray for this special day and the other special events this month in both churches!
Serving Together,
Patrick, Leslie, Lily, Piper, Ivy, and Isla Henry
Prayer Requests
- Pray for the Mother’s Day services.
- Pray for Matías y Brian as they guide the churches.
- Pray for those recently saved.
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