I have written a few posts on some of the different cities in Argentina. Most people have heard of Buenos Aires (that post will be coming later), but there are many other cities in Argentina that are in great need of Gospel preaching churches. For this post, we are going to take just a few moments to highlight Córdoba. Córdoba is located toward the center of the country, in the foothills of the Sierras Chicas (mountains). Some have called it the second most important city in Argentina and the main urban development in the central region of the country. Its streets include tracks of the ancient colonial architecture mingled with modern buildings. All this is completed with parks and other types of green spaces. It has a humid, subtropical climate. The average high in the summer is just below 90°F. The average low in the winter is just above 40°F.
Córdoba is a beautiful city, but that is not what fascinates me. I was talking with a veteran missionary who has been in Argentina for decades. A friend and I were asking him where He thought the greatest need was in Argentina. When Córdoba was mentioned, he lit up. He believed Córdoba to be a place of great need! The population of the city is well over 1,400,000 people. The province boasts over 3,000,000 people! Córdoba accounts for over 40% of the province’s population! It is the second most populous city in Argentina! With all of this, Córdoba is an ever growing city.
The largest ethnic groups in Córdoba are Italians/Italian Argentine and Spaniards/Spanish Argentine. Other immigrants from other European countries arrived in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. From Western Europe came immigrants from Switzerland, Germany, United Kingdom, Ireland and Scandinavia (especially Sweden). Eastern Europeans also arrived from Croatia, Poland, Hungary, Russia, Romania, Ukraine, Armenia and the Balkans. By the 1910s, 43% of the city population was non-native Argentine!
This melting pot of a city is an great need of Gospel-preaching churches that will not only proclaim the truths of Jesus but train men to go out and do the same. Will you please pray for Córdoba?
Hi I am a missionary in the city of Buenos Aires. Do you know how many biblical churches are in Buenos Aires? Córdoba has a few we have 1 downtown and 2 on the outskirts. Brother would you pray for BA and if God would have you come here? Paul went to the concentrated people groups and where are the laborers in BA?
Give Brother Jeff my love – Charlie