This series on the advice I have been given has been a blessing to me. I have heard from others who have enjoyed it as well. Today’s installment of this blog series is on the subject of communication. I was with a Pastor who I have known for some years. He has been a real friend and encouragement to me over the years. I was given the opportunity to share our hearts about missions, Argentina, what God has called us to do and to preach. We sat at the dinner table of a restaurant a few miles from the church. Church had ended. My family and Pastor’s family talked about life and ministry. Pastor told me about how he leads the church. He believes it is a very good thing to be open. He believes that people want to know what is going on so it is important to communicate. Don’t keep things hushed up, get the church people involved. Here is some advice, communicate.
Obviously this does not stretch into the realm of counseling. Some things are spoken in private counseling sessions and confidentiality should be upheld. That is not at all what Pastor was talking about. Pastor was speaking mostly about the future of the church, about the desires and goals God has put on his heart for the church. People want to be involved, people want to know.
How does this apply to me as a missionary? I think it applies in a few ways. We will be starting churches, it is important for people that are saved and become a part of those churches to know what is going on. They should know that, as a missionary, I am training men who will advance the Gospel. They should know that they are a part of the church and are included in building the church. It also applies to me as a missionary with our supporting churches. I think it is important for supporting churches to know what is going on in our ministry. I strive to communicate. I remember when I was an Assistant Pastor at my home church. At one time we supported a few missionaries who rarely ever communicated with us. We would only get a few prayer letters a year. With technology like it is today, I can send (and do send) emails and letters on a regular basis. Why not communicate? People want to know what is going on. People who invest in a man’s ministry desire to know the state of affairs in that ministry. Churches like to know that they are investing in eternity around the world and that God is at work. It is a blessing to me to see that our missionaries we support at our home church are reaching out, starting churches, and training men.
Here is some advice, communicate. Let people know how God is working in your heart.
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