Our mission board, Vision Baptist Missions, holds an orientation each year. It is a 5 day event where missionaries on deputation and missionaries on furlough come together to be encouraged and to prepare for the next steps. During orientation, we learn more about how to serve as missionaries, we go over rules, procedures, and the core values of the board, we pray for world evangelism, and of course fellowship! The regional directors also were there to instruct us.
The last orientation we were a part of was in 2015. At that time we were on deputation and had dreams of serving on the mission field. We have now seen God work in the ministry in Argentina. We still have dreams of seeing more churches planted, more souls saved, more people discipled, and more men trained for the ministry. We have seen God do great things as we have served Him in the past, we have faith that He will continue to in the future!
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