I read the first few chapters in Exodus this morning. God called Moses. God had a purpose for Moses to accomplish. How did Moses respond? It is very interesting that Moses responded with this idea in mind, “I cannot do it.” God responded with truth and empowered Moses, but Moses continually responded with fear and doubt. I have outlined the conversation that took place and have Moses’ responses of doubt in blue.
- God calls Moses (Exodus 3:1-10)
- Moses tells God that he is not able. (Exodus 3:11)
- God tells Moses He will will be with Moses. (Exodus 3:12)
- Moses asks God, who can He say sent him. (Exodus 3:13)
- God gives Moses the answer and explains what He (God) will do through all of this. (Exodus 3:22)
- Moses tells God that Israel will not believe him. (Exodus 4:1)
- God gives Moses a sign (the staff that turns into a snake and the leprous hand) to show them. (Exodus 4:2-9)
- Moses tells God that he is not able to speak well. (Exodus 4:10)
- God reminds Moses that He (God) is the Maker of the mouth and promises to be with Moses mouth and will teach him (Moses) what to say. (Exodus 4:11-12)
- Moses asks God to send someone else. (Exodus 4:13)
- God provides Moses a “mouthpiece” in Aaron, his brother. (Exodus 4:17)
It is incredible to think that God calls Moses and empowers him, but Moses tried to decline God’s calling at every turn. Moses’ answer to God’s call was basically “I cannot do it.” What does all this have to do with us today? Quite simply a lot! I have not seen any burning bushes where God spoke to me through them and you probably haven’t either. But we do have a Bible where God gives His children a calling, that calling is to plant churches, win people to Christ, to baptize, and to disciple believers (among other things). We all have different parts in this great calling. The Bible tells us that the church is the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12). Not everyone is an “eye”, but every part of the body is needed and is important and has a part in God’s plan!
Moses’ answer to God over and over was “Why I can’t do it.” God’s promise to Moses over and over and over again was “You can because I am going to do it through you and will be with you.” Our answer to God’s leading should be “I will follow you” not, “These are the reasons why I cannot do it…”
All of this is very easy on paper (or on a computer), but to put into action is harder. By God’s grace we can have the right response!
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