Argentina is culinarily unique in many different ways. We have great beef and empanadas. Something else we are known for are “alfajores” (pronounced like “alpha-hoor-ace”, the singular version is with out the “ace” sound) are delicious little cookies (pictured to the right). They are made with two round cookies with dulce de leche (similar to caramel) fillings between them. Argentina is today the world largest consumer of alfajores, both in total numbers and in per capital calculations, being the most common snack for children and adults.
Alfajores are different in the different provinces of Argentina. For instance, in the Santa Fe province, they cover their alfajores in glazed sugar (they call them “Santafesinos”). Other provinces cover them in coconut, chocolate, or coco while others don’t cover them with anything.
It is a delicious cookie, and is a real part of Argentina!