We have a new baby girl! Isla Faith Henry was born on Thursday, July 06, 2017 at 5:00 AM. Mommy and baby are doing very well. Isla (pronounced “I” as in “aisle” and “la”) has the unusual opportunity to be a full citizen of two countries. From what I understand, she will be an Argentine the rest of her life, and she will also be an American the rest of her life. Today we just registered her with the Argentine government, making her an official “Argentine”. Once we receive her national document identification card in the mail, we will proceed through the required channels for her to “officially” receive her American citizenship. We are very blessed to have her in our family. We have already started praying for her salvation and that God will use her to progress the Gospel. Our other daughters already love her and are take any opportunity they can to hold her.
We are very grateful to our God for such a beautiful daughter that He has given us. Isla Henry is an answer to our prayers. I am living in a house full of girls and I could not be happier!
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