Blessings and Tragedy
It is amazing to me how we can get so caught up in our own lives that we forget the struggle and trials of others around us. God has increased our support to just over 50% this month! We have had churches partner with us this month in world evangelism. Each week seems to get more exciting! Leslie and I both have been amazed at how God has answered our prayers this month. In the midst of all of this blessing, we showed up at a church that we scheduled some months ago. We were there on Sunday night. The Friday before, the Assistant Pastor and his 20 month old daughter were in an accident. She was hurt badly, and at our arrival, she was at the hospital in a very uncertain condition. The church was heartbroken. I presented and preached and tried to be an encouragement to a hurting body of believers. We prayed together for about an hour after the service. Sadly, little Faith Lawrence passed away a few days later. We are always grateful to share in the blessings, but we are also to be thankful to share in the tragedies too! God can use us in both!
Who are the Mapuche?
Their name means Che = People – Mapu = of the land. These “people of the land” are an indigenous group in Argentina and Chile. I actually spent a few days with a specific group of Mapuche back in 2012. The Mapuche’s second language is Spanish (their first language is called “Mapudungdun”). I was in contact with a missionary this month who is working with the Mapuche in the Andes Mountains in Argentina. He is laboring to see this little-known people come to faith in Jesus. This reminds me
of how vast Argentina really is. There are cities, towns, and villages full of people that
need the Gospel. We need laborers proclaiming the Gospel and training men in every city.
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