Peace in the midst of trouble. How is such a thing possible?
I was talking to Piper (our daughter) about this a couple of days ago. At this point of her life (being 5 years old), she is scared of a lot. She has a “list” of things that range from almost any animal, to volcanos, to being alone, to the dark, and it goes on and on. She came down stairs after being in the bed for a whopping 7 minutes. She was scared. I told her there was no reason to be scared. Psalm 46 makes this clear.
There is great comfort in these words. The world can be crumbling down as this Earth dissolves around us and yet, we should not be afraid, because God is our safety and our strength! These thoughts are not for a 5 year old girl alone, but for all of us who belong to our Heavenly Father. When fear creeps in, we can remember that our God is a very present help in trouble, He is our refuge and strength in the unknown seasons!
Dear Henry Family,
We truly enjoyed your visit with us and pray that you will come to see us again and share what news you have. These are very troubled times and yet we can take comfort even this present turmoil. The very fact that God warned us of the events that would trouble the world, right before His return to earth, is proof that He loves us. His assurance that these things would happen–but that we should not be afraid because it is all part of His plan. We can get excited knowing His return is soon.
I will keep praying for you and your family that God will richly bless you and give you the right words as you share this message of hope to the Argentinian people. Assure them that they are very much loved by God even with the troubled world we live in. I pray for your safety and that you will walk close to God.
Know that you are loved and welcome here. God’s blessing be on you all.
With God’s love,