Our furlough has been a blessing in several different ways. For one, we are able to share with churches we are partnered with how the Lord is working in the ministry in Argentina. Our girls have also made friends and are growing spiritually during this year. Lily and Piper have both surrendered their lives to be missionaries if that is what God has for them! Ivy believed on Jesus for salvation a few months back! Isla is only 5 years old, we are praying for her. Another blessing of furlough is that the church we planted in Lanús, Buenos Aires is continuing on and growing without us being there. Pastor Matías and the church are pushing forward and we are praying for them! Please pray for them with us.
We are on our way to a mission conference in Maryland. Please pray for our safety if it be His will and that God will use us for His glory!
Serving Together,
Patrick, Leslie, Lily, Piper, Ivy, and Isla Henry
Missionary Spotlight: Dallas and Ashley Brown
Dallas and Ashley Brown are heroes! I love them and am so encouraged by them. They are missionaries out of our home church. I have been honored to have Dallas Brown as my friend for many years now. He and Ashley are being greatly used by the Lord. I recommend to any pastor to have them in for a meeting. He will be an encouragement and blessing to the church. I recently contacted Dallas, he shared with me a short update and a few prayer requests. The Browns are heroes and we are grateful to call them friends!
Update from Dallas and Ashley Brown
A man was saved at the church a few weeks ago week and he has been coming faithfully ever since. They are in the midst of constructing a church building and it is moving along steadily. They plan to add doors and windows this week. There are three guys interested in ministry who will be starting Bible college with Dallas in a few weeks.
- Pray for the construction of the church building.
- Pray for the three men who are interested in ministry.
- Pray for the Bible College classes that will start soon.
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