The title of this blog could really be the theme of many posts. “The process begins” could have been applied to our time on deputation, our packing and preparing to leave for Argentina, trying to find a house here to live in, starting language school, etc. So what is the process to which I am referring? The process of acquiring a contract for the building for Faith Baptist Church. This morning I go to put down a security deposit for the the building in which we will start the church. Renting a building is a bit of a process and this is just the beginning. This is an answer to prayer. We should have the building in two weeks.
After searching for weeks, talking with dozens of real estate offices, scanning any and every real estate websites in the area that we could find, and seeing many buildings, we have finally come to the building we have been praying for! We are excited about the location, the city, and the greater surrounding area (the location is for another blog post, a post that will be coming soon).
There is much more to do once we have the keys. A company is currently using the building and they will need to empty and vacate very quickly. It will take them at least two weeks to do so. Hopefully, they will clear their things out quickly. Only then can we begin to start the renovations (like painting, etc). This is truly the beginning of the beginning of the process.
I am praying now that the rest of the contract process will be completed quickly so that we are able to get to work.
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