A question I am often asked is “What kind of missionary are you?” or “What kind of mission work are you going to do?” It’s true, there are all kinds of great things done on the foreign field in the name of missions. I am thankful for all that is done for people. Wells are dug, children are taken care of, schools are built, educations opportunities are afforded, and lives are made better. So what kind of missionaries are you?
I think that the Bible is clear in that New Testament missions is church planting and men training. The book of Acts shows us how Paul went from city to city proclaiming the Gospel and starting churches. Paul started churches in Thessalonica, Berea, Philippi, Ephesus just to name a few. The proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus and the establishment of churches is what New Testament missions is all about.
We are going to Argentina to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus and to plant churches that train men, who will go out and proclaim the Gospel and plant churches that will train men who will go on to do the same thing over and over. There are multitudes of people who are without Gospel preaching churches that will evangelize and equip men to continue the ministry on. Our desire is that Jesus is made known in all of Argentina and across the world!
We are Gospel proclaimers. We are church planters. We are men trainers.
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